Why Use Automatic?

Less Time, More Compounding

Maximizing yield on farming pools can be a time-consuming task. Frequent compounding leads to the best yields, as farmers start earning on rewards immediately. The problem in this approach comes in two parts: time and gas. Optimized yields take frequent attention to your account. Frequent compounding incurs a significant amount of gas fees. By using the protocol to handle compounding, AutoMatic saves you time. By combining the entire pool into a single transaction, AutoMatic uses far less gas than would be needed to handle every account individually.

Leverage Compound Interest

AutoMatic Pools reward investors for their commitment to an investment. By autocompounding rewards back into the liquidity pair or single stake initially invested, rewards grow exponentially. This type of growth is extremely powerful as time passes, allowing for returns far in excess of what can be gained by simply using the simple APY of a standard yield farming pool.

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